Childbirth Education
It is my honor to walk with expecting parents on the path of birth.
No matter where your path takes you, whether it’s birthing at home or in a hospital, using analgesics or not, it is my hope to guide birthing parents and their partners so they feel empowered, informed, and able to separate feelings of self-worth based on a particular birth outcome.
Please browse my childbirth education offerings below, or get in touch to build a custom curriculum just for you.
Note: So that I may serve all clients no matter their financial circumstances, all of my classes are offered on a 3-point sliding scale tier, adapted from the Green Bottle Method by Alexis J. Cunningfolk. Please visit my pricing scale page to learn more.
What does it mean to “birth from within”?
It means…
…knowing that birth, by design, is to walk the path of the unknown
…understanding one’s cultural conditioning in regards to their attitudes about pregnancy and birth
…exploring a path toward birth that feels safe, supportive, and grounded in trust for you, your body, and your baby
…building a network of support around you and your baby
…creating appropriate space in the heart, mind, body, and culture to honor one of life’s most sacred rites of passage
It is my honor to walk with expecting parents on the path of birth.
No matter where your path takes you, whether it’s birthing at home or in a hospital, using analgesics or not, it is my hope to guide birthing parents and their partners so they feel empowered, informed, and able to separate feelings of self-worth based on a particular birth outcome.
Let’s connect today to talk about class options and ceremony offerings that feel in tune with your birth goals. Following Pam England’s revolutionary Birthing from Within framework , these classes go beyond your average pregnancy and labor prep series. By design, these classes are completely personalized and offer the opportunity for you to connect with your body, your pregnancy, and your partner. No two class sessions will be alike (just like birth!) Topics we will explore include:
Anatomy and Physiology of Labor
Pain Coping Techniques
Interventions 101
Birth Art
Storytelling: Myths and Archetypes of Birth
Fourth Trimester- Body and Soul
Real Postpartum Planning (before your world is rocked!)
Class format: live online via Zoom
Class series duration: five 2-hour sessions
Price tiers for class series:
Full Moon Tier: $350
Crescent Moon Tier: $275
New Moon Tier: $150 -
Did you know that over 60% of birthing people in the United States receive an epidural for pain relief during childbirth? Despite the fact that the majority of hospital births include epidurals, very few people know what to expect before going into the procedure.
This one-of-a-kind class for pregnant people AND their birth partners is designed to de-mystify the epidural. This class is designed for everyone, whether you are certain your birth will include epidural use or you are planning to birth with no pain medication (if there’s one thing we know is guaranteed in birth, it is to expect the unexpected!)
By taking this course, you will…
-Understand the procedure, benefits and risks of epidural use for labor
-Know the questions to ask your care provider
-Practice body positioning and alternative pain coping techniques
-Feel empowered by your choice to use epidural during labor
Partners will…
-Practice concrete ways to support your partner physically and emotionally during birth
-Gain insight into the birth experience and develop compassion and empathy
-Learn and practice techniques to be your partner’s advocate during labor and postpartum
Stay tuned for live, in-person offerings of this course in the Wilmington, Delaware area soon.
This two-hour, interactive class is offered one-on-one, private instruction via Zoom. Participants will be able to learn from the comfort of their own homes. Date and time of class will be determined upon receipt of registration.
Class format: live online via Zoom
Class duration: one 2 1/2 hour session
Price tiers:
Full Moon Tier: $150
Crescent Moon Tier: $100
New Moon Tier: $50 -
The knowledge parents seek when preparing to give birth the first time is quite different than when preparing for subsequent births. The Birthing Again class is for parents who are preparing to welcome another child after having already birthed one or more times.
In this class series, parents will…-Explore processes to learn from past birth experiences in a boundaried, productive way
-Have opportunities for deep connection with each other
-Practice ways to prepare older sibling(s) for the arrival of a new baby
-Revisit and deepen pain coping practices
Class format: live online via Zoom
Class duration: one 2 1/2 hour sessionPrice tiers:
Full Moon Tier: $100
Crescent Moon Tier: $70
New Moon Tier: $30 -
So, your baby is here! Now what?!
This three-hour interactive, online class will give you the most important basics for how to care for your precious new bundle. This class is perfect for first-time parents, new grandparents (times have changed since they were parents!), or parents who spaced their births and might need a refresher.
Class topics include:
-Newborn care (diapering, swaddling, bathing, feeding, soothing)
-Newborn behavior: reading your baby’s cues
-Self-care for new parents
-And more!
Class format: live online via Zoom
Class duration: one 3-hour session
Pricing tier:
Full Moon Tier: $150
Crescent Moon Tier: $85
New Moon Tier: $50 -
The best time to prepare for postpartum is during pregnancy!
This 4-class series gives you realistic, achievable strategies for a restorative, healing postpartum experience.
Learn practical, important steps for optimal postpartum recovery, including sleep health, physical recovery, nutrition, postpartum for partners, and postpartum mental health red flags and how to get help.
Offered as either a 4-class weekly series or a weekend intensive.
Class format: live online via Zoom
Class series duration: four 2-hour sessions or one weekend intensive (2 hours Friday, 4 hours Saturday, 2 hours Sunday)
Price tiers for class series:
Full Moon Tier: $300
Crescent Moon Tier: $250
New Moon Tier: $125