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EMERGE is for those of you who were trying to conceive, gave birth, experienced a pregnancy loss, or were newly postpartum in the first years that the pandemic ground our lives to a halt. Being denied community support during this time was devastating. While the rest of the world has “gone back to normal” you might still be feeling left behind. So let’s find each other, connect, grieve, and celebrate our resilience as we emerge on the other side, together again.

As we approach the fourth anniversary of the day the entire world shut down, and on the eve of the spring equinox (as our natural world begins to thaw and bloom after a long winter), I invite you to celebrate your resilience, strength, and emergence through mothering in a very strange time.

In this one-day, three-hour circle you will:
-Connect with other mothers of similar-aged children

-Tap into your sources of strength and resilience

-Write, discuss, meditate, and engage in other processes on the themes of motherhood to distill the pearls of wisdom you’ve gained through your unprecedented transformation

-Laugh, cry, dance, share, eat snacks, drink tea, and celebrate!

Register here.

January 7

Nonlinear Movement Method® online practice session

April 6

EMERGE: Online Workshop