Threshold Ceremony

A threshold is an ancient archetypal symbol that represents the pause before a passage into a new, unexplored space. Birth is an ancient experience that our modern culture often strips of meaning and magnitude.

In the weeks and months before a baby is born, much is done to prepare for baby’s arrival, but what about the birth of the new version of yourself, as a parent?

Honor this transformational and sacred passage with a customizable ceremony to hold space for the change within you. Each ceremony is fully tailored to your preferences, and can be given in honor of a soon-to-be parent as a thoughtful alternative to a traditional baby shower, or to celebrate their postpartum integration.

Sample offerings in a ceremony can include:

-Altar creation

-Birth affirmations

-Birth art creation

-Gentle movement/yoga/dance

-Guided meditations/visualization



-Tea ceremony

Pricing starts at $150.