Molly Leitner

For as long as I can remember, I have been inspired by the vast, mysterious, and powerful forces of the moon (luna) and the ocean (mar). Birth is as powerful as a tsunami wave, as mysterious and unknowable as the depths of the ocean, as enchanting and illuminating as the full moon. That inspiration guided me through the births of my own two children, and now, through my work as Lunamar Birth Well LLC.

After a decade of being a K-12 educator, I am prepared to bring my teaching expertise to a new population: birthing families. I feel called to empower and educate a new generation of mothers and parents to connect deeply with their bodies, trust their intuition during labor, and navigate the perinatal time with knowledge, confidence, and ease.

I believe that birth is an individual and nuanced journey for each parent, and rather than preach that there is one “right way” to give birth, I seek to help parents find a path toward birth that feels meaningful, safe, and grounded in trust and knowing. Furthermore, birth doesn’t just end with the arrival of a baby. Preparing for the birth of yourself as a mother is an essential, and often overlooked, part of preparing for this life-and-soul-changing time.

Through my class offerings I hope you will find the courage, strength, and power to birth not only your baby, but a new, wiser, more powerful version of yourself.


  • Master of Arts (Spanish language & literature/pedagogy)

  • Postpartum Support International- Delaware Chapter board member

  • Registered 200 hour yoga instructor

  • Certified Nonlinear Movement Method® teacher

  • Certified Wild Woman’s Circle® facilitator

  • Certified HypnoBirthing® Childbirth Educator

  • Certified MotherCircle Facilitator

  • Birthing from Within Mentor trainee