Building mother culture. Together.

MotherCircle is a transformational 8-class series designed by Kimberly Ann Johnson and Jessica Connolly.

I am delighted to be part of the inaugural cohort of trained MotherCircle facilitators to bring this potent work to our local community of mothers in the greater Wilmington, Delaware area.

No matter how you identify as a mother,
(a mother at heart, a mother of children on earth, a mother who has lost, a mother who feels lost, a mother of young children, a mother of grown children, a mother who cares for other mothers, or anywhere in between)
this circle is for you.

Why mothercircle?

Our human lives are lived in cycles.

The seasons, the phases of the moon, the endless cycle of day to night to day.

But our modern culture worships the linear.

Live to work, 9 to 5, constant go mode, achieve at all costs.

We have become disconnected from the wisdom that comes from gathering in circle.

This disconnection is especially determinetal to mothers.

Mothercircle is the balm for the suffering we endure from this disconnection.

Each of us contains wisdom to witness and share from our own experiences in the arcs of our own circles as mothers, for other mothers.

Over the eight sessions of Mothercircle, you will witness and be witnessed in your motherhood journey through the some of the following practices:

  • Paired and group discussions

  • journaling

  • Meditation

  • Storytelling & Poetry

  • Explorations of archetypes

  • Somatic movement

  • and so much more!

Frequently asked questions

  • MotherCircle is inclusive, no matter how you identify as a mother. Mothers of young children/infants, mothers of older children, pregnant mothers, mothers who have lost, grandmothers, women who long to be mothers, or professionals who care for mothers are all welcome to join. The framework of MotherCircle is built on the idea of concentric circles of wisdom. Mothers from many stages of motherhood take part to hold space and wisdom for each other.

  • That’s why for each series, I offer the first class free option! Attend the first of the eight classes, risk free, and if you want more, you can sign up for the remaining sessions.

  • Absolutely! The space where we gather is equipped with a quiet space for feeding, changing, and settling if you are attending with an infant. Additionally, each session has the option of online attendance to account for the fact that some days, despite our best efforts, it is hard to make it out of the house with a newborn. However, if you are looking to connect with other mothers who are also in the fourth trimester, I offer a separate group called “Matrescence” that is exclusively for first time, fourth-trimester mothers.

  • It is my intention to offer the eight-week MotherCircle series in-person/hybrid two times a year, and fully online once a year. Check back here for calendar updates.

Course details

Dates and times

MotherCircle takes places over
the course of eight class sessions
and meets for 75 minutes.


The virtual MotherCircle series is offered for $100.

The in-person 8-class MotherCircle series is offered on a sliding scale. Please pay what you can within the ranges of the scale:

Payment in full is required prior to the start of class. More payment information will be available at registration.

If you are experiencing true financial hardship, you will not be turned away from MotherCircle. Please reach out using the form below if this is the case for you.


Our in-person gatherings take place in the heart of Wilmington, Delaware, in a safe, beautiful, nurturing space made
for mothers:

Balanced Breastfeeding
1601 Concord Pike, Suite 56-58
Wilmington, Delaware 19803

Once a year, MotherCircle Wilmington will be offered online, via Zoom, so you may attend from wherever you are.

missed classes

The arcs of each circle depend on
one another to complete the full journey. However, life sometimes hands us circumstances we can’t always control.
If you are unable to attend an in-person
session, you can attend via Zoom so you can attend from anywhere. (Each class will have a hybrid option.)

Additionally, you will be welcome to attend a future gathering of
the same week’s class at no cost to you. You will also be sent a follow-up email after each gathering with a summary of our explorations, exercises, and journal prompts.

Note: To protect and respect the container of MotherCircle, the online/Zoom sessions will not be recorded in any way.

What to bring

Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, journal and pen for each session.


Please respect the privacy and sanctity of the circle. What you and others share in the circle stays in the circle.

This is MotherCircle, and many of us who participate are mothers to very young infants and children.

We see you, and you are welcome to bring your child/ren to MotherCircle but please keep in mind that this might affect your ability to participate fully in certain activities of each session. If you are attending online, with older children in the room, please be advised that some topics of conversation might not be appropriate for perceptive ears (class 6, MotherLover, for example, discusses our relationship to our sexuality in motherhood.) In general, please use your own best judgement for what you deem appropriate for your child/ren to hear.

Please know there is no childcare available onsite for our in-person circle. However, there will be a quiet space available for privacy/resting/feeding/settling down, should you need it.

Still have questions?

Submit the form below with any other questions you may have regarding MotherCircle. We will be in touch shortly.